I am a leadership, effectiveness and creativity coach, workshop and retreat facilitator, workplace change and success consultant, educator, musician and writer.  I work with a handful of clients annually to help them set inspirational personal and professional goals and to create extraordinary results in their lives and the lives of their family, friends and employees. I have facilitated experiential learning workshops and retreats in life skills and relationship success strategies for thousands of participants across the United States and Canada. My life purpose is to keep finding what I most deeply enjoy doing and being, and to fully do and be it.

I have worked closely with many leading success and personal growth facilitators and researchers, including Dave Ellis, author of Becoming a Master Student, Falling Awake and Career Planning, Dr. Skip Downing, author of On Course and the creator of the innovative On Course success workshop series, and Ron and Mary Hulnick, lead faculty at the University of Santa Monica.  I am the former Chair of the English Department at Mission College in Santa Clara, CA, and hold a BA and MA in English (UC Berkeley), an MA in Psychology (University of Santa Monica) with a focus on motivation and creating peak performers, a PhD in Ethnic Studies (UC Berkeley), and an EdD in Educational Leadership and Change (Fielding Graduate University), with a focus on developing and implementing campus and workplace success programs, including e-course design and development in career effectiveness.  The title of my most recent book (on career and learner effectiveness) is Choosing a Good Road.