Mixed Race Literature
Ed. (February 2002) Stanford University Press

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This collection of essays is the first scholarly attempt to map the rapidly emerging field of Mixed Race Literatures, including African-European, Native-European, Eurasian, African-Asian, and Native-African American literatures. The contributors’ essays include work by leading scholars in the field, such as Werner Sollors (Harvard) and Hertha D. Sweet Wong (UC Berkeley), and examine issues such as mythmaking and interpreting, the illustration of mixed race texts, race, gender and transnational spaces, naming and negotiation of identity, the theory of the kin-aesthetic in Asian-Native American literatures, and Maori-Pakeha mixed race writing in New Zealand.

“The [Mixed Race Literature] volume begins the important work of
deconstructing the segregation of literary value in US arts and letters. Imperative reading for all students and scholars of American literature.” —Choice

“Brennan's transnational collection is an unflinching contribution that urges scholarship to break from neatly demarcated binaries and either-or approaches to multiracial literature.”  —Helen Y. Wang, College of William and Mary