Dr. Jonathan Brennan (PhD/EdD/MA/MA) focuses on Leadership, Effectiveness and Creativity Coaching.  His clients are primarily peak performing active or retired CEOs, including visionaries, social and global entrepreneurs, leaders from Silicon Valley start-ups, high-tech industry, real estate investment firms, national and global organizations and members of the YPO (Young Presidents’ Organization), as well as highly successful retired executives ready to define and create new lives, often investing their talents in re-envisioning and changing both their local community and family.  He has worked with leaders from major companies such as Oracle, Yahoo, and Google, as well as from numerous start-ups and large non-profit organizations. 

Much is at stake in ensuring effectiveness in decision-making and nurturing professional relationships. Dr. Brennan also offers his services to sports agents, talent agents and individual investors/investment firms, ensuring that their clients benefit from a development process that results both in increased personal effectiveness and excellent financial returns.  When investment returns depend on the acquisition and execution of effective leadership and problem-solving skills, investors might wish to consider such professional development as a critical resource, alongside legal, capital, marketing and investor relations support.

His research and publishing in workplace effectiveness has included: Emotional Intelligence; Motivation; Systems Thinking; Change Management; Leadership; Effective Communication; Mission and Values; Sustainable Practices; Organizational Development; Positive Psychology; Self Management; Creativity; Mindfulness Practices; Being of Service; and Peak Performing strategies.


“Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things.”
—Peter Drucker & Warren Bennis


Brennan enjoys a specialization in leadership and creativity, with extensive doctoral research in leadership practices (including the work of Senge, Covey, Wheatley, Greenleaf, and the Arbinger Institute).  He is a member of the American Creativity Association, using his creativity research (including the work of Csikszentmihalyi, DeBono, Gardner, Hermann, MacKenzie, and Von Oech) to develop strategies to significantly increase both the generation of innovative and valuable ideas as well as problem-solving abilities.  The ultimate goal of every coaching strategy is to dramatically increase the level of happiness and effectiveness of each client, as well as that of their organization.

He has worked extensively with many leading success and personal/career growth facilitators, including Dave Ellis, author of Becoming a Master Student, Falling Awake and Career Planning and the creator of the Falling Awake coach & leadership training program, and Dr. Skip Downing, author of On Course and the creator of the innovative On Course success workshop series.  Alongside two doctoral degrees, Brennan also holds an MA in Counseling Psychology from the University of Santa Monica, and has developed a focused approach to support clients in achieving career and relationship balance in four dimensions: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.